Monday, January 30, 2012


I am building some MOODLE 1.9 classes for my English 100 and 101 courses for the first time. I want a more visual experience and 1.9 doesn't really lend itself to it easily. I found that by going to and looking at the top of the page, I could access an e-blog that specializes in building e-leaning sites. This site generously allows me to download cool PowerPoint templates and has many interesting articles explaining the principles and the how-to of course building. It also allows me to follow a trail of education blogs that are listed in some of these articles. It's like following the breadcrumbs that Hansel and Gretel have left to return home!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy 2012!

Happy New Year to all you searchers and finders. I endeavor to continue on my way to Grammar's House. I have come across many interesting posts and apps that I need to "digest" before I bring them to you. I have created part of a Moodle course that disappeared at the new year when my admin erased it (I think). Onwards and upwards!